Internships: A 10 year program with Indonesian arts managers coming to Australia with the support of the Ford Foundation.
Swimming with the Tide
A program of performing arts projects between Australia and Indonesia with a focus on community engagement
Arts management training
A series of manuals on arts management practice, translated into Indonesian, supported by the Ford Foundation, including foci on exhibition touring, event management and community cultural development practice.
Nusa Tenggara Timur/Northern Territory
A program focused on these two adjacent territories, again based on capacity building and cross-cultural engagement.
Alison initiated a series of exhibition exchanges with Korea from 1993, resulting in seven projects between the two countries, with a major series of events in Seoul in 1996. From this she developed two similar series of exchanges with Japan. The first was from 2002-4 and included a number of important exhibitions; and the second from 2005-9 added forums and curatorial exchanges to the exhibition focus. Two booklets were published to itemise some of the statistics of these programs: [3.1]Sun Walking; Australia-Japan Visual Arts Partnerships Program 2005-9.