
A special focus for Asialink Arts was devising new programs with Indonesia, based on the principle of people-to-people cooperation and the smaller size of Indonesian arts infrastructure. Asialink initiated a number of programs focused on arts management capacity building. Susan Strano, Asialink’s first Performing Arts and Arts Management Manager, initiated many early links.  One important program was the 10 year long Internship program with Indonesian arts managers coming to Australia with the support of the Ford Foundation. Alison’s appointment to the Board of the Australia Indonesia Institute, the people-to-people branch of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade added to this focus.


 Swimming with the Tide

A program of performing arts projects between Australia and Indonesia with a focus on community engagement.

“Swimming with the Tide” program cover

Arts management training: A series of manuals on arts management practice, translated into Indonesian, supported by the Ford Foundation, including foci on exhibition touring, event management and community cultural development practice.

booklet cover, touring exhibitions manual

Nusa Tenggara Timur/Northern Territory

A program focused on these two adjacent territories, again based on capacity building and cross-cultural engagement. 

Grant Nundhirribala from East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, working with musicians in Watublapi, Flores